Trump and Johnson Face Scrutiny at Home

As world leaders gathered this week in New York for the 74th UN General Assembly, trouble was brewing back in Washington and London for both Trump and Johnson, respectively. Britain’s Supreme Court…

Ali El Shamy

Is It Time for Britain to Adopt a Codified Constitution?

Despite all its shortcomings, Brexit has some redeeming factors. For one thing, it has highlighted how disenfranchised the country’s voter base feels. It also gave smaller parties and independents a…

Al Majalla - London

BoJo Losses All Control

The drama continues to unfold in Britain’s greatest ever reality show. Last week Boris Johnson, aka “Britain Trump”, kept audiences around the globe glued to their television sets as the Queen…

Ali El Shamy

Ireland’s Rocky Road to Unity

In the wake of the Brexit crisis, the idea of a unitedIrelandhas returned to the political agenda. Politicians in both parts of a divided country believe that Irish unity is a credible prospect over…

Daniel Finn

Parliament Prorogued

On August 28, the Queen approved Boris Johnson’s request to “prorogue,” or suspend, parliament just days after it returns from summer recess next week, leaving MPs with just the time between 2…

Yasmine El Geressi