Andrea Glioti is a freelancer who was based in Syria for the first five months of the uprisings in 2011. He received his MA in Near and Middle Eastern Studies at SOAS, London, and has worked as a coordinator for LIMES, an Italian geopolitical magazine, gathering articles from Syrian activist authors. He has also written for several Italian newspapers, the <em>Lebanese Daily Star</em>, OpenDemocracy and the <em>New Internationalist</em>.

Voice of the People?

[caption id="attachment_55229971" align="aligncenter" width="620" caption="President of the SNC Borhan Ghalyoon at the press conference in Tunisia of…

The Second Syrian Front: Arabs and Kurds

[caption id="attachment_55236076" align="alignnone" width="620"] Kurdish anti-Syrian government activists parade through the streets in celebration…